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Identity Design | Art Direction


Girish Narayandass


Concept and Visuals Design

Mihir Lele



Bare Bones Collective is a band of creatives who are writers first. It is not a conventional 'company'. It's exactly what the name says it is - a collective - where writers work together to create bigger things.


Why the name Bare Bones?

Whenever writers start working on a script, the first thing they do is figure out the basic structure/plot/story. This basic structure constitutes the 'bare bones' of the script. If the bare bones are weak, no amount of steroids like action, music or special effects can strengthen the script. Bare Bones form the very foundation of the script.



With this brief in mind, I began exploring different style and concept routes for the logo design.


Design exploration- 01 

Bone+Pen Integration

(click on the image below to go into full screen mode)

Design exploration- 02

Stressing on the term “collective” through the logo.

(click on the image below to go into full screen mode)

Design exploration- 03

Looking at the logo as a collection of individual elements coming together to form a visual.

(click on the image below to go into full screen mode)

Design exploration- 04

Treating the logo as a “band of writers” creating noise and announcing their presence.

(click on the image below to go into full screen mode)

Design exploration- 05

A minimal approach, to  concentrate of the "bare essentials" one needs to form the unit.

(click on the image below to go into full screen mode)


The idea was to look at the different treatment explorations for the logo unit, typeface, etc. and narrow in on the visual style and treatment that fits best.

The explorations were rough since these options were to gauge what is working for the client and the brand and simply discard the rest.


Selected Logo Unit

Of the above explorations, route no 3.1 was selected by the client and taken forward to refine.


Final Logo Unit

Once refined, stripped down to the bare essentials, the final logo unit was created,

the thought behind the logo being this-

the individual letters on a keyboard are disjointed but when they come together, the can create words, stories and meaning.

It made sense as a logo unit for the collective, since it is primarily a collective of new age writers, with their main weapon of choice- a keyboard.

Logo Guidelines

With the logo unit in place, the guidelines were created for its usage.

With the above guidelines in place, the client adapted the design to their website as well-



We then began playing with the logo to create some essential collaterals.

Bare Bones Logo-01.jpg
Bare Bones Logo-02.jpg

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